2019 Safety & Efficacy Clinical Study

Human Clinical Trial Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Hempzorb81 Full Spectrum Hemp Oil

C. Chong MD, J.S. Levin PhD, M.T. Steinburg RN Supported by Med 7, LLC

Hempzorb81 showed marked improvement in the following areas of wellness:

  • Drop from moderate to mild pain
  • 3-point drop in the Mood Rating Scale (MAS) anxiety score
  • Improvements in sleep and more rapid periods of dreaming
  • Highly statistical results on the body’s ability to combat inflammation

Clinical study specifics were as follows:

150 Patients (100 on Hempzorb81™, 50 placebo)

Randomized, Double Blind

60 Days @ 150 mg Hempzorb81™ (2 ml Cinnamon Flavor)

90 Days for 100 patients (50 Hempzorb81™/50 placebo) to test A1c

Summary of results for areas of wellness showing marked improvement with Hempzorb81

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.